Last other week was no exception. On the Wednesday I was at a networking event, talking to a Charity based in Colwyn Bay, about shooting a Calender for next year. On the Friday I was at a Charity Ball with nearly 300 guests and then on the Saturday we started shooting for another Calendar to raise money for Charity.

Then it's the "Quiet before the storm". A few trickle out to the bar and have a few shots taken in "The Studio" between courses, one of which is the guy doing the announcements. 2 minutes later he's on the mic, talking about having his photo taken and holding up the print in his hand.
Before I get chance to do anything else, there's a queue of 20 people, waiting to have their picture taken. The reason for this is quite simple, we offer the guests not only the opportunity to have a picture taken in their ball gowns and black ties, but we add an element of fun and an experience to remember, so they can't help but show off their photo's. It also helps that they can see the results on screen straight away and even have a print in 30 seconds of choosing it.
The Ball finished at 1am, but the guests stayed a lot longer and we didn't finish until around 2.15.
You can check out the images for the Precious Ball in our Events Section.

Despite the lack of sleep, we got the first five months shot and are scheduling in the rest very soon, so watch this space to see the results and maybe support the charity by purchasing a calendar.
And it's all in the name of Charity
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