Wednesday, 30 September 2009

40 to 40 - Day Seventeen - Makka Pakka's Stones

40 to 40 - Day Seventeen - Makka Pakka's Stones

Stopped by at the beach near Llandulas, North Wales for today's 40 to 40 project shoot. Turned out that I came back with dozen or so shots from walking around on the beach for half an hour.

The beach is very stony and it looks like they have travelled from all over the world to get here. Every stone different in size and colour. This was the 2nd attempt of making a stone pile, the first was amongst the pebbles on the beach and was far to busy. They looked much better on a nearby boulder.

I've called the final shot "Makka Pakka's Stones" after the Night Garden Character who likes to collect them.

Photographer Andrew Wells - AJW Photography - 40 to 40 Project

40 to 40 - Day Sixteen - Piggy Portrait

40 to 40 - Day Sixteen - Piggy Portrait

When shooting (taking pictures that is) animals, you have to get in to their world, so I spent some time on Wednesday, laying down on the job, so I could look my subject in the eye.

The hard bit was getting her to look me in the eye.

Photographer Andrew Wells - AJW Photography - 40 to 40 Project

Monday, 28 September 2009

40 to 40 - Day Twelve to Fifteen

40 to 40 - Day Twelve to Fifteen

Had a busy few days, so uploading the last 4 days images in one go.

40 to 40 - Day Fithteen
Had a play today with a crossed process type look in photoshop. very simply shot

Photographer Andrew Wells - AJW Photography - 40 to 40 Project

40 to 40 - Day Fourteen
Not many on the Beach today, just the odd dog walker and their faithful friend.
Photographer Andrew Wells - AJW Photography - 40 to 40 Project

40 to 40 - Day Thirteen
My kids will grow-up either loving or hating thier photograph being taken. taken in the back garden, this is Sophie - Aged 2 1/4
Photographer Andrew Wells - AJW Photography - 40 to 40 Project

40 to 40 - Day Thirteen
She Likes 'm Big.... Gloria stepped in to the studio today for some sexy photos.
Photographer Andrew Wells - AJW Photography - 40 to 40 Project

Friday, 25 September 2009

40 to 40 - Day Eleven - Portrait in the Park

40 to 40 - Day Eleven - Portrait in the Park

Spent half an hour with the kids at the Botanic Gardens in Rhyl. It was great to do some lifestyle photos with them, along with some pictures of the gardens as well.

I just loved this shot, reminded me of some documentary type photos of a few decades ago, when the photographer is spotted by the little girl on the park bench, with her mother and sister.
Photographer Andrew Wells - AJW Photography - 40 to 40 Project

Thursday, 24 September 2009

40 to 40 - Day Ten - Making a Splash

40 to 40 - Day Ten - Making a Splash

Another cloudy day with very flat lighting, so decided to make more of a splash back in the studio.

This is a very simple setup which can be done in just a few minutes, although it takes more practise to fire the shutter at the exact right moment.
Photographer Andrew Wells - AJW Photography - 40 to 40 Project

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

40 to 40 - Day Nine - Bangor Pier

40 to 40 - Day Nine - Bangor Pier

Tuesday was a bit wet and cloudy, but I didn't let that dampen my spirits. As i was over near Bangor first thing, I decided to talk a walk on the pier. I think I was the only one.

Given the weather conditions, I knew even before taking any pictures that this was going to be a Black and White shot.
Photographer Andrew Wells - AJW Photography - 40 to 40 Project

Monday, 21 September 2009

40 to 40 - Day Eight - Smoking

40 to 40 - Day Eight - Smoking

Wanted to try out something new today, Smoke Trails. The concept is simple, take photo's of smoke. After a little research, I soon got my mini studio in place and used a "Safety Light" from a fireworks box to make the smoke.

One small flash at Half Power, with the modeling light to help focus, and a Black background.

In photoshop, added a hint of blue and then inverted the image to give me the effect i was after.
Photographer Andrew Wells - AJW Photography - 40 to 40 Project

40 to 40 - Day Seven - Conwy Morfa Dunes

40 to 40 - Day Seven - Conwy Morfa Dunes

Sunday Afternoon was spent on the beach at Conwy Morfa. There are lot's of opportunities here for photos and I decided to spend a few minutes in the Dune area, where there are lots of flowers and wild plants. And with the yellow of the Sand Grass or the blue of the sky, you can set these plants off with a fantastic background.

Photographer Andrew Wells - AJW Photography - 40 to 40 Project

Saturday, 19 September 2009

40 to 40 - Day Six - 35 to go - Stumped

40 to 40 - Day Six - Stumped

It was such a dark and overcast day, i decided to head to a Local woodland to see if I can find a good Photo. Eventually came across this odd looking stump which has some great detail.

Photographer Andrew Wells - AJW Photography - 40 to 40 Project

Friday, 18 September 2009

40 to 40 - Day Five - 36 to go - Mini Beast

40 to 40 - Day Five - Mini Beast

Decided to do some garden Photography, more specificly, the Mini beasts that live in it. This little fella was just hanging around, waiting to have his (or her) photo taken.

Photographer Andrew Wells - AJW Photography - 40 to 40 Project

Thursday, 17 September 2009

40 to 40 - Day Four - 37 to go - Beach Driftwood

40 to 40 - Day Four - 37 to go - Beach Driftwood

Dropped my Daughter Kate of at a kids party today, so decided to head for the nearby Beach.

After about 20 minutes of shooting, I came across an inlet with several peaces of driftwood, Well, more like trees, this being my Fav. one

Photographer Andrew Wells - AJW Photography - 40 to 40 Project

40 to 40 - Day Three - 38 to go - Old Sign

40 to 40 - Day Three - Old Sign

A day late uploading this one due to the fact i was out all day and Evening, so only Downloaded today.

When I saw this sign as I passed, I just had to stop and capture it. I just love the fact that it's so old and rusted.

Photographer Andrew Wells - AJW Photography - 40 to 40 Project

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

40 to 40 - Day Two - 39 to go - Fashion

40 to 40 Day 2 - Fashion

I have a few images from today (Tuesday). I was in Manchester all day with some other togs, trying to learn a few things and play with some lighting setups. Most shots are taken with just one light, including ring flash, with the exception of the image where she is wearing sunglasses, we had a background light with this one.

Even the window is fake, using one light behind some lace to light everything and give the illusion of a window.

It's not a Crime It's not a Crime
It's not a Crime It's not a Crime
It's not a Crime  

Thanks to the models:
Becky Dee
Rachel Bond

Monday, 14 September 2009

40 to 40 - Day One - 40 to go

40 to 40 Day 1 - It's not a Crime.
Well, it's just 40 days until I turn 40, so have decided to celibrate by counting down and shooting a new picture every day. And just to make it more challenging, I'm giving myself a max time of just 40 min out of my normal day to do this.

So it's 40 to 40 in 40.

It's not a Crime

So what is "It's not a Crime"?
Increasing concerns about terrorism, paedophilia, health and safety, personal privacy and plain old paranoia about pretty much anything Her Majesty’s subjects get up to has resulted in a deep mistrust of photographers.

Police routinely invoke anti-terror legislation to prevent photographers from carrying out their work, and photojournalists are constantly filmed at public gatherings and their details kept on an ever-growing database.

Tourists, particularly foreign tourists, are also targeted by police, as was the case with an Austrian father and son recently who made the mistake of photographing a building of an extremely sensitive nature—Walthamstow bus station.

Put simply, Britain has become a no-photo zone, and so if you fail to comply, you may find yourself liable to attack, arrest or harassment.

Recognising that Britain is not the only country where such a draconian anti-photographer culture is developing, the British Journal of Photography is beginning an international visual campaign to raise awareness.

Over the next year they hope to gather thousands of self-portraits of
photographers-professional and amateur—from around the world,
each holding up a white card with the words, ‘Not a crime’ or ‘I am not a terrorist’.

This is my Portrait

Web Site for It's Not a Crime

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