Wednesday, 30 September 2009

40 to 40 - Day Seventeen - Makka Pakka's Stones

40 to 40 - Day Seventeen - Makka Pakka's Stones

Stopped by at the beach near Llandulas, North Wales for today's 40 to 40 project shoot. Turned out that I came back with dozen or so shots from walking around on the beach for half an hour.

The beach is very stony and it looks like they have travelled from all over the world to get here. Every stone different in size and colour. This was the 2nd attempt of making a stone pile, the first was amongst the pebbles on the beach and was far to busy. They looked much better on a nearby boulder.

I've called the final shot "Makka Pakka's Stones" after the Night Garden Character who likes to collect them.

Photographer Andrew Wells - AJW Photography - 40 to 40 Project

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