Monday, 2 July 2012

Time fly's when you are having fun

WOW! Where does the time go? Has it really been six months since my last post?

Well, we are actually closer to next Christmas now than last Christmas, but what have we been up to? Well, quite a lot actually, the first half of 2012 has been very successful for AJW Photography and it looks like it's set to continue for the second half of the year too.

Our photography training workshops have gone from strength to strength, with a number of summer events on the way and planing already in place for our winter season too. You can check out many images taken at our workshops on our Flickr group page:

Our Vimeo Channel is up and running, which is where you can find some of our new Time-lapse videos, along with some slide shows of portrait sittings we have recently done, so do check it out:

2012 has also seen us working with even more local businesses, helping them to get their message and brand across to their clients.

For those of you over 30, you will remember Cheryl Baker from the Eurovision wining 80's group Bucks Fizz. I worked with Cheryl at the Adult Learners Week awards dinner this year, so here is a quick photo of us after the evenings work was all done.

A Little Bucks Fizz anyone?

So, although the weather might not agree, summer is here and we are looking forward to having a great one, watch out for some new announcements coming very soon.

And whatever you are doing this summer, have a great one.


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